Love at first sip...
In 2014, Julian embarked on a trip to India with the aim of refreshing his constitution and his physical and mental health. It is said: once you have traveled to India, you will never let go of the country. Julian didn't know exactly if that was true until the last stage of his journey, when he discovered Kombucha there in South India and it hasn't let go of him since.
As soon as he returned, it was clear to him: there must be more of these products in Germany and people must find out which positive ones
Effects on the body Kombucha and fermented products have.
Julian has been developing the KulchaBox products with a lot of love and dedication since 2020. A completely new world of taste, according to completely new rules of cooking, has since opened up. The proof of our own positive development of body and mind motivates us every day.
Anja has been part of the founding team since 2021. This is how the idea of the KulchaBox Store together with a transparent factory was born, in which, in addition to our own products, you can also find a lot of exciting, sustainable, innovative and social brands.
Our store and Transparent Factory
For us, openness and transparency towards our customers are paramount. That's why we really wanted to set up a transparent production facility.
With the store and subsequent production, we have realized a dream that allows you to look over our shoulders during the manufacture of the products and convince yourself of the freshness.
Magucha Kombucha
Our Magucha Kombucha is a lovingly handcrafted Kombucha.
An invigorating drink...
Literally. Kombucha is a fermented sparkling tea drink, which impresses with its exquisite ingredients, herbs, numerous nutrients and the special manufacturing process. Using our Kombucha culture (Kulcha), a Scoby, which are hard-working little yeasts and bacteria, we ferment our delicious Magucha Kombucha. It is neither heated nor pasteurized.
A drink with tradition
Despite its millennia-old tradition, especially in Asia, kombucha is not very well known here. We want to change that. Why? Because you will hardly find a drink that is as rich in vitamins, probiotics and nutrients as this delicious tea drink.
we take our time
cold brewing our teas to preserve every last nutrient and achieve a smoother, more balanced taste. It is then fermented with fresh fruit and herbs for that unique Magucha flavor. In addition, our brewing method enables an alcohol content of less than 0.4%, comparable to the alcohol content of non-alcoholic beer. This is how we stand out from the standard kombucha.
From the blog
Magucha Kombucha - Bio, Low Calorie und Natürlich Erfrischend!
Titel: "Magucha - Bio, Gesund und Natürlich Erfrischend!" Liebe Kombucha-Freunde und Freundinnen, heute möchten wir euch einen Einblick in die...
Das fantastische Mikroversum der Fermentation
Deine gesunde Erfrischung für den Sommer - Magucha Kombucha
Bist du bereit für die perfekte Erfrischung an heißen Sommertagen? Dann lass mich dir Magucha Kombucha vorstellen - das Getränk,...